Powerplay seeks to understand the norms that govern institutions, human behavior, and representations of power, searching for ways to subvert dominant (visual) narratives and the senses by extent. Cultivating a space for (re)definition and (re)imagining, this course asks: How can we explore listening as an idea, act and intentional practice to further understand Powerplay?

Decolonial Listening can be the practice of humbling yourself in engaging with others and the world, in whatever form that takes. Humbling your own knowledge and self to make space for listening to one another, to what surrounds us. Listening in this way, we work towards a more ethical relationship to the world.

Decolonial listening explores and attempts to unearth those knowledges that have been overlooked, silenced and disregarded.
Definitions by Powerplay tutors Seecum, Bruno and Charissa (https://2021.mywdka.nl/minorpowerplay/minor/themeandgoals/)